wow, it's been a month from previous post :P
something wrong with this 'blogger', couldn't publish my post almost 2 week
brother & his wife visited toronto, as usual, he had meetings in states and traveled back & forth; we went to niagara & buffalo for 2 days, nothing much, shopped around, bought something, mostly kids' clothings, in fact, not kids' anymore, both kids are teens.
my brother & his wife like lobsters, we ate so much, didn't cook much at home, mostly ate out, i gained several pounds, SIGH, filled my tummy, both food and FAT.
lots of students are taking vacation during summer, look forward to resuming normal ..
when we have normal life, we look forward for vacation ...
when we have vacation, we look forward for normal .... what a life
will stop here, come by & check me out when you have time ... with love ..
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011 eNewsletter

It is my honour to be featured in the eNewsletter of a dance site -
You may log on to or read the following to check that out.
Featuring: Regina Cheung - Renowned Line Dance Video Producer & Choreographer of 'Summer Night Tango'
2011-07-23 10:09
Regina Cheung is a renowned line dance video producer from Toronto, Canada, producing many beautiful and gracious dance routines on You Tube. However, not many know that she is also a prolific dancer, instructress, and choreographer.‘Summer Night Tango’ is her hit success this March. She also contributes in the local art scene, serving as project coordinator in town dance events. She first performed for her school at the age of 7 at the City Hall in Hong Kong, and she has learnt various dance genre including jazz, hip hop, ballroom, and line dance. When she migrated to Canada, she picks up hip hop & ballroom from two well-known instructors in Toronto who inspire her into pursuing line dancing in 2006. Line dance provides an outlet for her to express her feelings and emotions. An emotional being, she cried whilst listening to Wynnona Judd’s I Want To Know What Love Is, and not surprisingly, she also produced the dance video, Show Me The Love, recently.
In 2008, she started line dance instruction with a small class in a beauty spa and the number of classes and students has grown steadily ever since. That year (2008), she also started videotaping her class practice from scratch, and by mid-2009, she produces dance videos for her students on YouTube. In the short period of two and a half years, her dance videos have been viewed over 1 million times and she has over 500 subscribers in her YouTube channel.
She is a perseverance lady, who is motivated by the numerous positive feedback and comments both locally and abroad to produce the best video production and to become one of the leading renowned video producers in the line dancing world with her precise, vivid and clear instruction, despite setbacks last year when her You Tube accounts was terminated for alleged violation of ‘exclusive choreography copyright’ – ridiculous claim of exclusiveness which contradicts the spirit of linedancing where most if not all choreographers want their dance to be shared. Soon, she picked up the pieces and is back in business, motivating many including her students with the dance videos. We salute her strength!
Some of the best videos produced so far include ‘Paloma 2009’. “Cricket on a Line’ and her favorites include Scott Blevins’s ‘No Salvations’ and ‘Trouble Is’. Her videos is also popular and well-received in the UK - reaching 11,810, 13,284 and 10,549 hits for ‘For the Lovers’, ‘You’re amazing’ and ‘Party Freak’ respectively.
In March this year, she choreographed ‘Summer Night Tango’, which became a hit and is well received in many parts of the world including the US, UK, Australia, Malaysia, Korea & China. Her email was inundated with requests from Line dance instructors, asking for the music and step sheet. Summer Night Tango is still well received in many parts of the world including the local scene here. ‘Eden’ and ‘Beggin You (Funky Cha)’ are among some of her favorite choreography.
She participates in local community and social events in Toronto, Canada where she lives. Among many contributions, she serves as project coordinator in several town dance projects such as A Dance To Raise The Curtain program in Richmond Hill. She also performs and leads line dance event in an Art Centre for the past two consecutive years.
Regina has selflessly contributed her dance video to the line dancing world, and we believe she will continue to do so for the benefits of all line dancers. She may not have long history but her love and interests in line dancing and the contributions so far will spur her on to greater heights. Thank you, Regina!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
drop a few lines
hi there, just drop a few lines before i go to sleep, very tired, i dance almost everyday, take videos, edit; oh i went to a ball last night, i wore a very pretty 'betsey johnson' dress, lots of compliments.
i've choreographed 2 dances and will release in a short while, stay tuned.
btw, i've uploaded a dance video : show me the love :
a very beautiful and touching song, i love it very much. check it out.
now go sleep, too tired ZZZZZzzzzzzz
i've choreographed 2 dances and will release in a short while, stay tuned.
btw, i've uploaded a dance video : show me the love :
a very beautiful and touching song, i love it very much. check it out.
now go sleep, too tired ZZZZZzzzzzzz
Monday, June 20, 2011
hi there
busy these days. just to update a few lines.
mom's first surgery done and she's progressing well, thanks to friends' queries about her.
she's in rehab and will be discharged this friday. will go hospital to follow up tomorrow and see when will be the next surgery on right thight, we were told by the rehab doctor that she may not need the 2nd one, depends on the surgeon's decision. CROSS THE FINGERS.
since my youtube account terminated, i have hugh lost and now it's time for remedial.
i work/dance hard and try to do videos as much as i can BUT still on the songs that i like, i don't do only 'brand name' choreographers.
of course, there're still a few exceptional, around 1 - 2% that i'll do some that i'm not fond of i.e. request from students, or choreographers ....
well well, now go get prepare for the class, see you in a bit, CIAO
busy busy bee flying .......
mom's first surgery done and she's progressing well, thanks to friends' queries about her.
she's in rehab and will be discharged this friday. will go hospital to follow up tomorrow and see when will be the next surgery on right thight, we were told by the rehab doctor that she may not need the 2nd one, depends on the surgeon's decision. CROSS THE FINGERS.
since my youtube account terminated, i have hugh lost and now it's time for remedial.
i work/dance hard and try to do videos as much as i can BUT still on the songs that i like, i don't do only 'brand name' choreographers.
of course, there're still a few exceptional, around 1 - 2% that i'll do some that i'm not fond of i.e. request from students, or choreographers ....
well well, now go get prepare for the class, see you in a bit, CIAO
busy busy bee flying .......
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
oh boy busy busy
kids recital was done last saturday, before then, they had the rehearsal consecutive 3 weekends from 12:00 noon to 9:00, last weekend was the final rehearsal in the theatre. i've never been so serious like that for a dance performance. that was a hip hop show, the director did a great job, now i understand why she was so serious & mean to 'everyone', hahaha, worth it worth it .... everyone loves her, students, parents, both my kids say they'll join next year; jon says 'can't wait to dance more'....
my mom had her first surgery done this monday, progressing well, will move to rehab; next one will be done right after the first one fully recovery. complicate, huh ?? so stressful, the hospital's in downtown, i drive downtown almost everyday, i was so pissed off, then i soothed myself, take that like i have a job in downtown and now i only have to drive in 2 weeks or 3 weeks, not bad at all..
new classes started, got less students because of all kinds of reasons, summer vacation, holiday, visiting blah blah, SIGN, whatever, i have no time to think/plan about it, just move forward, will see
see you around ..........
kids recital was done last saturday, before then, they had the rehearsal consecutive 3 weekends from 12:00 noon to 9:00, last weekend was the final rehearsal in the theatre. i've never been so serious like that for a dance performance. that was a hip hop show, the director did a great job, now i understand why she was so serious & mean to 'everyone', hahaha, worth it worth it .... everyone loves her, students, parents, both my kids say they'll join next year; jon says 'can't wait to dance more'....
my mom had her first surgery done this monday, progressing well, will move to rehab; next one will be done right after the first one fully recovery. complicate, huh ?? so stressful, the hospital's in downtown, i drive downtown almost everyday, i was so pissed off, then i soothed myself, take that like i have a job in downtown and now i only have to drive in 2 weeks or 3 weeks, not bad at all..
new classes started, got less students because of all kinds of reasons, summer vacation, holiday, visiting blah blah, SIGN, whatever, i have no time to think/plan about it, just move forward, will see
see you around ..........
Sunday, May 29, 2011
these days are so tiring.
my youtube account was terminated in the beginning of the month; i lost all the view hits and subscribers. then prepared my parties & performed with my students in an event.
i was really happy to received a HD camera from my students; unfortunately my edit program is not compatible to the camera, so i browsed around to source a way to edit; i downloaded some programs for trial THEN i brought in the virus to my computer. i'm prepared to buy a new computer in a bigger size & faster but the existing works so fine and i will give it to my kids as extra; before i sent out my computer for reinstallation i back up everything in the C drive BUT i forgot to tell the computer guy to back up my outlook files which is my email program. ALL my mails in the last several years were gone after the reinstallations included all contacts. =O
my parties pix & videos, the photographer took over 500 pix and they are nice pix, i wanted to make a beautiful video with about 100 pix & some video highlight, for some reason, my window movie maker freeze everytime just a bit before i finish, so i could never finish my photo album or video of my birthday.
kids are taking hip hop & breakdance class, the studio will have their yearly performance in downtown on june 4. can't believe they are sooooo serious and i have to take kids back to studio for rehearsal for almost 3 weekends (sat. & sun from 12:00 - 9:00). i had 2 classes yesterday, kids had their chinese lesson in the morning and abacus in the afternoon, i took them after the 2 programs and they stay until 9:00 p.m. i went shopping again =D bought lots of beautiful tanks.
my mom's legs got some problem, we're waiting for the surgery, so i run around st. michael hospital and my mom's house and my house and mom's doctor's office sometimes.
these are what happened these days and i'm really tired.
OH, some more, students are so happy to join my BD party and they keep saying i should run a few more in a year, yeah right, i get help this time, my team members say they will arrange the parties whenever i needed.
my summer session is starting next week, happy for the existing students continue their lesson and expecting new students as well; some students join more lessons after they joined my party and watched the performance of my students.
will keep trying on the pix & videos. WISH ME LUCK =))
my youtube account was terminated in the beginning of the month; i lost all the view hits and subscribers. then prepared my parties & performed with my students in an event.
i was really happy to received a HD camera from my students; unfortunately my edit program is not compatible to the camera, so i browsed around to source a way to edit; i downloaded some programs for trial THEN i brought in the virus to my computer. i'm prepared to buy a new computer in a bigger size & faster but the existing works so fine and i will give it to my kids as extra; before i sent out my computer for reinstallation i back up everything in the C drive BUT i forgot to tell the computer guy to back up my outlook files which is my email program. ALL my mails in the last several years were gone after the reinstallations included all contacts. =O
my parties pix & videos, the photographer took over 500 pix and they are nice pix, i wanted to make a beautiful video with about 100 pix & some video highlight, for some reason, my window movie maker freeze everytime just a bit before i finish, so i could never finish my photo album or video of my birthday.
kids are taking hip hop & breakdance class, the studio will have their yearly performance in downtown on june 4. can't believe they are sooooo serious and i have to take kids back to studio for rehearsal for almost 3 weekends (sat. & sun from 12:00 - 9:00). i had 2 classes yesterday, kids had their chinese lesson in the morning and abacus in the afternoon, i took them after the 2 programs and they stay until 9:00 p.m. i went shopping again =D bought lots of beautiful tanks.
my mom's legs got some problem, we're waiting for the surgery, so i run around st. michael hospital and my mom's house and my house and mom's doctor's office sometimes.
these are what happened these days and i'm really tired.
OH, some more, students are so happy to join my BD party and they keep saying i should run a few more in a year, yeah right, i get help this time, my team members say they will arrange the parties whenever i needed.
my summer session is starting next week, happy for the existing students continue their lesson and expecting new students as well; some students join more lessons after they joined my party and watched the performance of my students.
will keep trying on the pix & videos. WISH ME LUCK =))
Monday, May 16, 2011
phew, parties over, very tired, danced for 2 days, non stop, that's good, lost some weight =D
I was overwhelmed by all the work done by my team members, they had meetings to plan for the party, arrived the party 2 1/2 hours ahead and did all the job, didn't let me participate, just walked in and danced, i never felt so easy in my line dance job, they made me feel like i'm a princess; also the energy of my students who attened, kept dancing and dancing in the party.
the party was great, took lots of pix & videos in my BD party; but the photographer said she needs several days to do the pix, WHAT ? SEVERAL DAYS ? can't wait, i took little with my camera, and i need the pix for editing, will press her a bit.
last night i led & performed @ Michael Lai Art Centre 13th anniversary event, that was a big party and thanks to my loving students accompanied me, we did a wonderful job and had a great time in the party.
will post the videos in dance sties and also pix here, stay tuned.
I was overwhelmed by all the work done by my team members, they had meetings to plan for the party, arrived the party 2 1/2 hours ahead and did all the job, didn't let me participate, just walked in and danced, i never felt so easy in my line dance job, they made me feel like i'm a princess; also the energy of my students who attened, kept dancing and dancing in the party.
the party was great, took lots of pix & videos in my BD party; but the photographer said she needs several days to do the pix, WHAT ? SEVERAL DAYS ? can't wait, i took little with my camera, and i need the pix for editing, will press her a bit.
last night i led & performed @ Michael Lai Art Centre 13th anniversary event, that was a big party and thanks to my loving students accompanied me, we did a wonderful job and had a great time in the party.
will post the videos in dance sties and also pix here, stay tuned.
Friday, May 13, 2011
my birthday is on 5/19 but i'll have my party tomorrow, look forward to having fun with my students; yes, same as last year, only students. we've been working on the party since 6 weeks ago, can't believe this year is so comfy that i don't have to prepare anything other than the dance & music, my team members organized everything for me, truly appreciated to my team members & students even those who can't join me this time but with their support to my classes, i still think i'm in love with them and my line dancing.
these days, a bit headache from the unpleasant youtube account and videos editing, still survive and living happily.
will update after my 2 parties in this weekend. stay tuned.
these days, a bit headache from the unpleasant youtube account and videos editing, still survive and living happily.
will update after my 2 parties in this weekend. stay tuned.
Friday, May 6, 2011
well well well the day has come. i was expected since the copyright issue raised and some dance groups' account being terminated a year ago; when that happened, still hurts.
thanks to my good friends, mike & juliet gave me advices and their kind words; PLUS, i shopped after with my sister & kids and bought 2 pair of beautiful shoes, those compensated a bit of my 'hard feelings' =D
yeah, a bit uncomfort, what can i do? i set up another email and youtube accounts, uploaded some videos, but that doesn't help, the copyright issue still there. HUUMMM ..... too tired, but i'll keep moving forward to disappoint my haters =))
absolute busy day today, stef had a major dental app., jon has a school project exhibition, i went to beauty spa twice, will have lobster feast with my family tonite. good that tony brought me good news in his work, that cheers me a bit; and my loving brother & his wife will visit again in this summer, what else do i want ?? life's beautiful to have dance everyday ..... OTHER THAN THE DAMN YOUTUBE COPYRIGHT MATTER .... ahahahahah
anyway, i'm fine, with a happy life, wish you a WONDERFUL WEEKEND
thanks to my good friends, mike & juliet gave me advices and their kind words; PLUS, i shopped after with my sister & kids and bought 2 pair of beautiful shoes, those compensated a bit of my 'hard feelings' =D
yeah, a bit uncomfort, what can i do? i set up another email and youtube accounts, uploaded some videos, but that doesn't help, the copyright issue still there. HUUMMM ..... too tired, but i'll keep moving forward to disappoint my haters =))
absolute busy day today, stef had a major dental app., jon has a school project exhibition, i went to beauty spa twice, will have lobster feast with my family tonite. good that tony brought me good news in his work, that cheers me a bit; and my loving brother & his wife will visit again in this summer, what else do i want ?? life's beautiful to have dance everyday ..... OTHER THAN THE DAMN YOUTUBE COPYRIGHT MATTER .... ahahahahah
anyway, i'm fine, with a happy life, wish you a WONDERFUL WEEKEND
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
I seldom watch others' videos in youtube so i didn't know how they manage, the copyright issue makes me headache. just watched a few local dancers', kinda getting a bit of how they work. my students, sadly to let you know due to the above issue, i have to downgrade the audio quality to match youtube's requirement, i may have to make the sound worse SIGH, i can't stand it. oh well, will see.
2 parties coming up next week, things are prepared, looking forward to having fun with my students, also a performance in an event ....
will update next week about my choreographies and parties, stay tuned ....
2 parties coming up next week, things are prepared, looking forward to having fun with my students, also a performance in an event ....
will update next week about my choreographies and parties, stay tuned ....
Friday, April 29, 2011
hi guys, very busy these days, that's why i take less videos
there're 2 parties coming up in may, look forward to having fun with my students, also excited of my coming up new dance, hope dancers like it. nowadays, it's not worthwhile to do dances, even the brand name choreographers', just last only a short while, over 10 new dances come up everyday, never mind me just a 'nobody'.
sister visiting from maryland, also relatives from vancouver, eat, eat, eat ...... how can i stop myself not to eat to fit in my pretty dress; oh, those pumps in 5 - 6", i had been protecting my feet and not to buy them, finally, they are too tempted and i bought a pair, so pretty, good even just wear them to take pix =D
will post a few pix after my parties, stay tuned .....
have a beautiful month of 'MAY' ...
there're 2 parties coming up in may, look forward to having fun with my students, also excited of my coming up new dance, hope dancers like it. nowadays, it's not worthwhile to do dances, even the brand name choreographers', just last only a short while, over 10 new dances come up everyday, never mind me just a 'nobody'.
sister visiting from maryland, also relatives from vancouver, eat, eat, eat ...... how can i stop myself not to eat to fit in my pretty dress; oh, those pumps in 5 - 6", i had been protecting my feet and not to buy them, finally, they are too tempted and i bought a pair, so pretty, good even just wear them to take pix =D
will post a few pix after my parties, stay tuned .....
have a beautiful month of 'MAY' ...
Friday, April 15, 2011
youtube 1,000,000 + view hits \*_*/
hurray, view hits over 1,006,000 in my YouTube channel - rclinedanz. Thanks for the viewers' watching & support for my channel, as well as the constructive comments from the viewers. being an individual and all done by myself, i'm proud of myself, and i will keep on working hard to do better.
Also, the 1 star viewer, she has to watch my videos before she rates me. She doesn't understand her rating doesn't move me, doesn't affect the viewers' eyes, hearts, & brains ..... =D
Happy about my recent choreographies 'summer night tango' and 'elvis' loving you', received lots of emails from overseas instructors saying my videos help.
Stay tuned for next post.
Also, the 1 star viewer, she has to watch my videos before she rates me. She doesn't understand her rating doesn't move me, doesn't affect the viewers' eyes, hearts, & brains ..... =D
Happy about my recent choreographies 'summer night tango' and 'elvis' loving you', received lots of emails from overseas instructors saying my videos help.
Stay tuned for next post.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
hi guys, it's almost 2 weeks from the previous post, busy as usual, classes, choreographies, parties.
CHOREOGRAPHIES - how i make dance, i have no plan at all, whenever i have feeling in a song, then i make it, isn't that simple. thanks to my son, he watched a movie and liked 2 songs, he told me to download for him then i found they are interesting, one was 'cash in my pocket' i did that in 20 mins, my girl said 'mommy, you do dance so fast, why don't you make dance everyday', silly girl, i don't make dance like making supper, they are not quickies; they are pieces of art, no matter you like my art or not. i did ceramic before, i still keep my pieces, and they may not be precious to others but sure to me.
when i was young, i draw, i paint, i visited galleries and museums, tell you the truth, i can't tell who are the artists, what are the paintings but i just loved to watch the paintings/pictures and have my own thinking/opinion. yes indeed, i'm a bit isolate, even now.
i will tape less videos recently, i have to prepare 2 parties in one weekend.
in my instructor's class, i feel like a dumb. i might be too sensitive, a few dance mates pin pointed that i don't dance good because i don't remember the dances. in true, i don't practice or review what i learn from her class. at the moment they gossiping on me without improving their skill/technique, i'm moving up the ladder, slowly .....
CHOREOGRAPHIES - how i make dance, i have no plan at all, whenever i have feeling in a song, then i make it, isn't that simple. thanks to my son, he watched a movie and liked 2 songs, he told me to download for him then i found they are interesting, one was 'cash in my pocket' i did that in 20 mins, my girl said 'mommy, you do dance so fast, why don't you make dance everyday', silly girl, i don't make dance like making supper, they are not quickies; they are pieces of art, no matter you like my art or not. i did ceramic before, i still keep my pieces, and they may not be precious to others but sure to me.
when i was young, i draw, i paint, i visited galleries and museums, tell you the truth, i can't tell who are the artists, what are the paintings but i just loved to watch the paintings/pictures and have my own thinking/opinion. yes indeed, i'm a bit isolate, even now.
i will tape less videos recently, i have to prepare 2 parties in one weekend.
in my instructor's class, i feel like a dumb. i might be too sensitive, a few dance mates pin pointed that i don't dance good because i don't remember the dances. in true, i don't practice or review what i learn from her class. at the moment they gossiping on me without improving their skill/technique, i'm moving up the ladder, slowly .....
Friday, April 1, 2011
can't believe it's been a year, time flies really fast, i am busy all the times and never stop by to smell the flowers or get up to smell the coffee, well, i drink coffee everyday though =O
i've been teaching almost 3 years, other than the first year i got ill treated, bad mouthing, discrimination, dancers dare not to talk to me (some still do), i gained a lot, from experience, skills, technique, social skills, how to teach, most important, my loving dance students =))
i almost gain 1 million view hits in youtube and generated over 400 subscribers, compare to other big groups, mine is minimal; i'm happy what i'm doing and what i have, treasure what i have too, BIG THANK YOU to my viewers including the damn 1 star viewer, she still does but remember, she has to watch me to increase my view count before she rates me =]
i started to prepare my BD party. we'll have a change this year, not only line dancing but lots more. We will cater the Dinner; Lucky Draw, Group Performance, competition, and of course, line dancing. i'll be a bit slow to take videos and teach new dances in this month coz. we need to review the previous dances and practice the performance.
btw, to those who don't understand me, bear in mind i only move my feet in my instructor's class, i don't remember the dances, i don't practice at home, i'm busy enough in my own teaching and video taking and my own choreographies. i have no interest to DANCE BATTLE, SHOW OFF, COMPARE, OR COMPETE to anyone in the class.
if you are my existing students, please buy the tickets ASAP, if you are old school, you are more than welcome to join me, email or call me for details my assistants and i are looking forward to the dance party and having fun with you guys. HAPPY DANCING \:D/
i've been teaching almost 3 years, other than the first year i got ill treated, bad mouthing, discrimination, dancers dare not to talk to me (some still do), i gained a lot, from experience, skills, technique, social skills, how to teach, most important, my loving dance students =))
i almost gain 1 million view hits in youtube and generated over 400 subscribers, compare to other big groups, mine is minimal; i'm happy what i'm doing and what i have, treasure what i have too, BIG THANK YOU to my viewers including the damn 1 star viewer, she still does but remember, she has to watch me to increase my view count before she rates me =]
i started to prepare my BD party. we'll have a change this year, not only line dancing but lots more. We will cater the Dinner; Lucky Draw, Group Performance, competition, and of course, line dancing. i'll be a bit slow to take videos and teach new dances in this month coz. we need to review the previous dances and practice the performance.
btw, to those who don't understand me, bear in mind i only move my feet in my instructor's class, i don't remember the dances, i don't practice at home, i'm busy enough in my own teaching and video taking and my own choreographies. i have no interest to DANCE BATTLE, SHOW OFF, COMPARE, OR COMPETE to anyone in the class.
if you are my existing students, please buy the tickets ASAP, if you are old school, you are more than welcome to join me, email or call me for details my assistants and i are looking forward to the dance party and having fun with you guys. HAPPY DANCING \:D/
Saturday, March 19, 2011
hi guys, very tired today, kids' march break, they stayed home in the morning but i had 2 lessons for danced almost 4 hours. had great fun in both the intermediate and beginners class.
about my summer night tango, have to share the good news with you.
i was overwelmed by the feedback of the line dance world, i received song requests & compliments from the instructors all over the world US, UK, Singapore, Malaysia, unexpected, even China & Korea.
i taught in the beginners class today, i told the students they are not the basic beginners any more, indeed they did so well, love to dance & hang out with them.
moreover, i will have new choreographies release soon.
to my 1 star viewer/hater, you must be very disappointed to see my little happiness, if you dare to keep rating me and send me insulting comments, i will collect all your comments and post out at one time, will see.
to my viewers/students/readers, thanks again for your continuours support, i will work harder to reach my dream.
about my summer night tango, have to share the good news with you.
i was overwelmed by the feedback of the line dance world, i received song requests & compliments from the instructors all over the world US, UK, Singapore, Malaysia, unexpected, even China & Korea.
i taught in the beginners class today, i told the students they are not the basic beginners any more, indeed they did so well, love to dance & hang out with them.
moreover, i will have new choreographies release soon.
to my 1 star viewer/hater, you must be very disappointed to see my little happiness, if you dare to keep rating me and send me insulting comments, i will collect all your comments and post out at one time, will see.
to my viewers/students/readers, thanks again for your continuours support, i will work harder to reach my dream.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
March Break & New Choreographies
hi guys, how are you :-?
life's same busy even kids are in march break; i don't stop my classes, all as usual but have to drive kids around, to friends' house, shopping, buying, so & so & so, same busy, no more, no less =O
just released my new choreography - Summer Night Tango which is a little cute dance with the Paso Doble ending. whenever i pick a song that i have a feeling, the ideas just rush in without thinking. same like 'i can't go for that', i was in the vacation, kids & tony at the pool, i stayed in the hotal room and got bored so i made it up, i think that's smooth & easy. so far i got good feedback for the dance, several US & singapore & malaysia instructors asked for the music; the dance site, yipee, also taught my dance.
just posted out summer nite tango this morning and 3 instructors asked for the music.
have to stop now, go back to the dance. talk to you later.
life's same busy even kids are in march break; i don't stop my classes, all as usual but have to drive kids around, to friends' house, shopping, buying, so & so & so, same busy, no more, no less =O
just released my new choreography - Summer Night Tango which is a little cute dance with the Paso Doble ending. whenever i pick a song that i have a feeling, the ideas just rush in without thinking. same like 'i can't go for that', i was in the vacation, kids & tony at the pool, i stayed in the hotal room and got bored so i made it up, i think that's smooth & easy. so far i got good feedback for the dance, several US & singapore & malaysia instructors asked for the music; the dance site, yipee, also taught my dance.
just posted out summer nite tango this morning and 3 instructors asked for the music.
have to stop now, go back to the dance. talk to you later.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
'Hold On To Your Dream'
quoted lady GaGa in the radio; what is my dream, everybody knows, but someone may not understand. my dream isn't big, i want to do better than better, no limit, no end, just step by step.
that's my character since i was a kid, i never satisfy myself, everytime i think i could do better and i don't sit on the first step and look up to the top.
this also apply to my kids, when my girl got a silver, i told her 'she could have done better to get a better result', i don't usually praise her to get silver but i don't score her not to get the 'gold', just want her to do better, luckily she's a replica of me and she's even more patient than me, i'm so lucky to have her.
my 2 kids are my life, most valuable presents from god, heehee, they think i'm means though coz. i'm so strict & cool.
anyway, march break is getting close and stefi's BD as well, life's on & on and time flies so fast; i have to work harder before the day i'm old enough and can't dance anymore. don't think that's a joke, look at my mom, she used to be tough and had good memory, now she complians her legs hurt when she walks and doesn't remember everyone's bithday .....
oh well, be brave, be happy, face the life & reality .... wish you all the best
with love from regina XOXOXOX
that's my character since i was a kid, i never satisfy myself, everytime i think i could do better and i don't sit on the first step and look up to the top.
this also apply to my kids, when my girl got a silver, i told her 'she could have done better to get a better result', i don't usually praise her to get silver but i don't score her not to get the 'gold', just want her to do better, luckily she's a replica of me and she's even more patient than me, i'm so lucky to have her.
my 2 kids are my life, most valuable presents from god, heehee, they think i'm means though coz. i'm so strict & cool.
anyway, march break is getting close and stefi's BD as well, life's on & on and time flies so fast; i have to work harder before the day i'm old enough and can't dance anymore. don't think that's a joke, look at my mom, she used to be tough and had good memory, now she complians her legs hurt when she walks and doesn't remember everyone's bithday .....
oh well, be brave, be happy, face the life & reality .... wish you all the best
with love from regina XOXOXOX
Monday, February 14, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
HOLA, I'm back from hot & sunshine =))
hi there, just returned from vacation, tons of work, will update with pix a bit later.
stay tuned .......
stay tuned .......
Monday, January 31, 2011
hi guys, can't believe it's been half a month and i'm totally lost.
why ? i went to my instructor's birthday party last week. i've led a section of several dances, at first, i had no clue what to do, i was told to do count in and no walk thru, then i noticed other instructors called out the cue a bit. and the time gap between was tight so we even had no chance to tell the dance names and desriptions, then i though 'ok, just do it like in the class, call a bit of the cue if and when someones lost the steps' so the outcome was OK lah.
these 2 days i'm lost again, we are leaving soon for vacation but i still have classes on sat. sun. & mon., it's so painful to pack up; hope i'll get a good rest in the trip.
it's now 2:10 a.m., have to do nail polish, take a look of the dance that i teach tomorrow ... have to stop now.
look forward to taking some good pix and show you.
why ? i went to my instructor's birthday party last week. i've led a section of several dances, at first, i had no clue what to do, i was told to do count in and no walk thru, then i noticed other instructors called out the cue a bit. and the time gap between was tight so we even had no chance to tell the dance names and desriptions, then i though 'ok, just do it like in the class, call a bit of the cue if and when someones lost the steps' so the outcome was OK lah.
these 2 days i'm lost again, we are leaving soon for vacation but i still have classes on sat. sun. & mon., it's so painful to pack up; hope i'll get a good rest in the trip.
it's now 2:10 a.m., have to do nail polish, take a look of the dance that i teach tomorrow ... have to stop now.
look forward to taking some good pix and show you.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
hello there, Grenade by Bruno Mars, such a great & hit song, once it was released, it is sooooo hot in the radio, all kids sing/love the song, i first heard it while jon was sang along the song in the computer (we share the same office in 2 computers).
i was waiting and waiting, i expected a popular choreographer would do the dance, i wanted so much he would make one. finally, 2, 3 dances came out about the same time with the same song but none by him. anyway, i did one of them but i didn't do a good job.
it's alright, wait for another hit song ....
i will join my instructor's BD party next week with some of my students, will lead a section of several dances; then i'll be away for a short while.
stay tunned for my updates. good nite.
i was waiting and waiting, i expected a popular choreographer would do the dance, i wanted so much he would make one. finally, 2, 3 dances came out about the same time with the same song but none by him. anyway, i did one of them but i didn't do a good job.
it's alright, wait for another hit song ....
i will join my instructor's BD party next week with some of my students, will lead a section of several dances; then i'll be away for a short while.
stay tunned for my updates. good nite.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Hello there
hi guys, how are you ? happy new year !!
finally, things back to normal, classes back to normal.
new year resolution - line dance .....
i had my new session started on wednesday in the community centre, some students from previous sessions didn't show up, up set ?? no lah
a few students told me before the end of last session that they will come back in march because of the cold weather. of course i don't agree with them, in the cold weather, you need more exercise to burn your calorie instead of sitting in the couch and eat and watch TV or sitting in front of the computer and play games over 10 hours, am i harrassing you ? no ah, that's me, what i was doing during christmas holidays =O
i recruited some new students, i'm happy with the no. of studens; it's alright, i'll work harder and better, and longer hours to achieve my goal
what is my goal ? be honest, i don't have any particular in my mind, just want to do better in line dance teaching, i'm proud of my students when they dance pretty, you may or may not believe me, just love to dance with them and too happy to have someones dance with me
i took several videos in the first lesson of the new session, posted 2 in the dance sites, i slept passed 4:00 a.m. last 2 nites to do editing.
click the title of these dances, you will be directed to youtube :
She's Walking On Me and Abbacadabra
from the videos, you can see i was the one danced most happy coz. i danced less during the holidays, i danced over time and didn't want to stop, heehee, i know the students think i'm too crazy in dancing, yes, i am. =D
so anyway, that's about it, will update a bit. be back soon.
finally, things back to normal, classes back to normal.
new year resolution - line dance .....
i had my new session started on wednesday in the community centre, some students from previous sessions didn't show up, up set ?? no lah
a few students told me before the end of last session that they will come back in march because of the cold weather. of course i don't agree with them, in the cold weather, you need more exercise to burn your calorie instead of sitting in the couch and eat and watch TV or sitting in front of the computer and play games over 10 hours, am i harrassing you ? no ah, that's me, what i was doing during christmas holidays =O
i recruited some new students, i'm happy with the no. of studens; it's alright, i'll work harder and better, and longer hours to achieve my goal
what is my goal ? be honest, i don't have any particular in my mind, just want to do better in line dance teaching, i'm proud of my students when they dance pretty, you may or may not believe me, just love to dance with them and too happy to have someones dance with me
i took several videos in the first lesson of the new session, posted 2 in the dance sites, i slept passed 4:00 a.m. last 2 nites to do editing.
click the title of these dances, you will be directed to youtube :
She's Walking On Me and Abbacadabra
from the videos, you can see i was the one danced most happy coz. i danced less during the holidays, i danced over time and didn't want to stop, heehee, i know the students think i'm too crazy in dancing, yes, i am. =D
so anyway, that's about it, will update a bit. be back soon.
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