Wednesday, August 24, 2011


wow, it's been a month from previous post :P
something wrong with this 'blogger', couldn't publish my post almost 2 week

brother & his wife visited toronto, as usual, he had meetings in states and traveled back & forth; we went to niagara & buffalo for 2 days, nothing much, shopped around, bought something, mostly kids' clothings, in fact, not kids' anymore, both kids are teens.

my brother & his wife like lobsters, we ate so much, didn't cook much at home, mostly ate out, i gained several pounds, SIGH, filled my tummy, both food and FAT.

lots of students are taking vacation during summer, look forward to resuming normal ..
when we have normal life, we look forward for vacation ...
when we have vacation, we look forward for normal .... what a life
will stop here, come by & check me out when you have time ... with love ..