Wednesday, April 13, 2011


hi guys, it's almost 2 weeks from the previous post, busy as usual, classes, choreographies, parties.

CHOREOGRAPHIES - how i make dance, i have no plan at all, whenever i have feeling in a song, then i make it, isn't that simple. thanks to my son, he watched a movie and liked 2 songs, he told me to download for him then i found they are interesting, one was 'cash in my pocket' i did that in 20 mins, my girl said 'mommy, you do dance so fast, why don't you make dance everyday', silly girl, i don't make dance like making supper, they are not quickies; they are pieces of art, no matter you like my art or not. i did ceramic before, i still keep my pieces, and they may not be precious to others but sure to me.

when i was young, i draw, i paint, i visited galleries and museums, tell you the truth, i can't tell who are the artists, what are the paintings but i just loved to watch the paintings/pictures and have my own thinking/opinion. yes indeed, i'm a bit isolate, even now.

i will tape less videos recently, i have to prepare 2 parties in one weekend.

in my instructor's class, i feel like a dumb. i might be too sensitive, a few dance mates pin pointed that i don't dance good because i don't remember the dances. in true, i don't practice or review what i learn from her class. at the moment they gossiping on me without improving their skill/technique, i'm moving up the ladder, slowly .....