Friday, April 29, 2011


hi guys, very busy these days, that's why i take less videos

there're 2 parties coming up in may, look forward to having fun with my students, also excited of my coming up new dance, hope dancers like it. nowadays, it's not worthwhile to do dances, even the brand name choreographers', just last only a short while, over 10 new dances come up everyday, never mind me just a 'nobody'.

sister visiting from maryland, also relatives from vancouver, eat, eat, eat ...... how can i stop myself not to eat to fit in my pretty dress; oh, those pumps in 5 - 6", i had been protecting my feet and not to buy them, finally, they are too tempted and i bought a pair, so pretty, good even just wear them to take pix =D

will post a few pix after my parties, stay tuned .....
have a beautiful month of 'MAY' ...

Friday, April 15, 2011

youtube 1,000,000 + view hits \*_*/

hurray, view hits over 1,006,000 in my YouTube channel - rclinedanz. Thanks for the viewers' watching & support for my channel, as well as the constructive comments from the viewers. being an individual and all done by myself, i'm proud of myself, and i will keep on working hard to do better.

Also, the 1 star viewer, she has to watch my videos before she rates me. She doesn't understand her rating doesn't move me, doesn't affect the viewers' eyes, hearts, & brains ..... =D

Happy about my recent choreographies 'summer night tango' and 'elvis' loving you', received lots of emails from overseas instructors saying my videos help.

Stay tuned for next post.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


hi guys, it's almost 2 weeks from the previous post, busy as usual, classes, choreographies, parties.

CHOREOGRAPHIES - how i make dance, i have no plan at all, whenever i have feeling in a song, then i make it, isn't that simple. thanks to my son, he watched a movie and liked 2 songs, he told me to download for him then i found they are interesting, one was 'cash in my pocket' i did that in 20 mins, my girl said 'mommy, you do dance so fast, why don't you make dance everyday', silly girl, i don't make dance like making supper, they are not quickies; they are pieces of art, no matter you like my art or not. i did ceramic before, i still keep my pieces, and they may not be precious to others but sure to me.

when i was young, i draw, i paint, i visited galleries and museums, tell you the truth, i can't tell who are the artists, what are the paintings but i just loved to watch the paintings/pictures and have my own thinking/opinion. yes indeed, i'm a bit isolate, even now.

i will tape less videos recently, i have to prepare 2 parties in one weekend.

in my instructor's class, i feel like a dumb. i might be too sensitive, a few dance mates pin pointed that i don't dance good because i don't remember the dances. in true, i don't practice or review what i learn from her class. at the moment they gossiping on me without improving their skill/technique, i'm moving up the ladder, slowly .....

Friday, April 1, 2011


can't believe it's been a year, time flies really fast, i am busy all the times and never stop by to smell the flowers or get up to smell the coffee, well, i drink coffee everyday though =O

i've been teaching almost 3 years, other than the first year i got ill treated, bad mouthing, discrimination, dancers dare not to talk to me (some still do), i gained a lot, from experience, skills, technique, social skills, how to teach, most important, my loving dance students =))

i almost gain 1 million view hits in youtube and generated over 400 subscribers, compare to other big groups, mine is minimal; i'm happy what i'm doing and what i have, treasure what i have too, BIG THANK YOU to my viewers including the damn 1 star viewer, she still does but remember, she has to watch me to increase my view count before she rates me =]
i started to prepare my BD party. we'll have a change this year, not only line dancing but lots more. We will cater the Dinner; Lucky Draw, Group Performance, competition, and of course, line dancing. i'll be a bit slow to take videos and teach new dances in this month coz. we need to review the previous dances and practice the performance.

btw, to those who don't understand me, bear in mind i only move my feet in my instructor's class, i don't remember the dances, i don't practice at home, i'm busy enough in my own teaching and video taking and my own choreographies. i have no interest to DANCE BATTLE, SHOW OFF, COMPARE, OR COMPETE to anyone in the class.

if you are my existing students, please buy the tickets ASAP, if you are old school, you are more than welcome to join me, email or call me for details my assistants and i are looking forward to the dance party and having fun with you guys. HAPPY DANCING \:D/