hi guys, how are you :-?
life's same busy even kids are in march break; i don't stop my classes, all as usual but have to drive kids around, to friends' house, shopping, buying, so & so & so, same busy, no more, no less =O
just released my new choreography - Summer Night Tango which is a little cute dance with the Paso Doble ending. whenever i pick a song that i have a feeling, the ideas just rush in without thinking. same like 'i can't go for that', i was in the vacation, kids & tony at the pool, i stayed in the hotal room and got bored so i made it up, i think that's smooth & easy. so far i got good feedback for the dance, several US & singapore & malaysia instructors asked for the music; the dance site, yipee, also taught my dance.
just posted out summer nite tango this morning and 3 instructors asked for the music.
have to stop now, go back to the dance. talk to you later.