Sunday, May 29, 2011


these days are so tiring.

my youtube account was terminated in the beginning of the month; i lost all the view hits and subscribers. then prepared my parties & performed with my students in an event.

i was really happy to received a HD camera from my students; unfortunately my edit program is not compatible to the camera, so i browsed around to source a way to edit; i downloaded some programs for trial THEN i brought in the virus to my computer. i'm prepared to buy a new computer in a bigger size & faster but the existing works so fine and i will give it to my kids as extra; before i sent out my computer for reinstallation i back up everything in the C drive BUT i forgot to tell the computer guy to back up my outlook files which is my email program. ALL my mails in the last several years were gone after the reinstallations included all contacts. =O

my parties pix & videos, the photographer took over 500 pix and they are nice pix, i wanted to make a beautiful video with about 100 pix & some video highlight, for some reason, my window movie maker freeze everytime just a bit before i finish, so i could never finish my photo album or video of my birthday.

kids are taking hip hop & breakdance class, the studio will have their yearly performance in downtown on june 4. can't believe they are sooooo serious and i have to take kids back to studio for rehearsal for almost 3 weekends (sat. & sun from 12:00 - 9:00). i had 2 classes yesterday, kids had their chinese lesson in the morning and abacus in the afternoon, i took them after the 2 programs and they stay until 9:00 p.m. i went shopping again =D bought lots of beautiful tanks.

my mom's legs got some problem, we're waiting for the surgery, so i run around st. michael hospital and my mom's house and my house and mom's doctor's office sometimes.

these are what happened these days and i'm really tired.

OH, some more, students are so happy to join my BD party and they keep saying i should run a few more in a year, yeah right, i get help this time, my team members say they will arrange the parties whenever i needed.

my summer session is starting next week, happy for the existing students continue their lesson and expecting new students as well; some students join more lessons after they joined my party and watched the performance of my students.

will keep trying on the pix & videos. WISH ME LUCK =))