yesterday (4/19) - a beauty seminar was held by In Beauty Spa in the studio where i teach; i ran a line dance demo with several students, got good response, welcome to the new students joining my classestoday (monday) - my precious sister
arrived from maryland for 3 weeksin the last 2 weeks, a few people told me that he/she's reading my blog; heehee, i got readers, yes, you are one of them, can't believe some of my friends are following my blog, very happy, coz. you share my feelings; one of my students said he senses my happiness, yes, i am. i was a bit upset 2 months ago because of the BMF, if you read my post of march 14 & 18 then you know, then it was gone, now i'm happy againthings are going smoothly, i think i'm in the right track, just need to be patient and keep working hard and believe the outcome will be fruitful !!!
thanks again to YOU - my personal friends, or students, or line dance friends; without your support, i would have given up long ago. i love you all 
1. drove Jon Jon back to school;2. stefi didn't feel well, she rested for 10 mins., drove her to school again;3. picked up mom from North York, drove to Scarborough for doctor appointment;4. drove mom back home;5. went to the studio in markham for winnie's lesson, stopped by to buy sandwich & drink6. after the lesson, i talked with my dance friend for 30 mins., coz. that was early to pick up kids from school; i didn't realize i turned off the phone for the lesson and school & my mom left me numerous messages that stefi felt really bad and was resting in the school office;7. arrived school at 3:40 p.m., picked up kids;8. went home, stefi vomitted again;9. took stefi to see doctor, of course with Jon Jon too, doctor said she has the 'stomach flu';10. back home and Jon Jon got change;11. sent him to the community centre for swimming lesson;12. went back home to watch stefi;13. drove back to community centre to pick up Jon Jon;14. went home, phew !! last trip of the day.the above, might not be that special or too much to you or me; the max, one saturday in last summer, i had made 21 trips for kids’ activities, drove around for my mom, my teaching & line dance party.i keep encouraging myself, if i want to dance, i have to work hard and do things fast, and dance is my motivation to do so ......
just received the following via email from one of my good friends :'I am just wondering how can you do so many things…. Update you blog, dance, choreograph dances, teach dancing, sending mails on a daily basis and taking care of your husband and kids.'yes, that's what i'm doing -- happily; with your support : reading my blog, dance with me, watch my videos, attend my class, send me emails and say hello to me, talk to me; and the love from my family, i feel like a ------- SUPERWOMAN, i'm blessed, and enjoy every moment i live and dance .....
don't know when are you reading this, thanks again for your support and looking forward for the chance we dance together, no matter how close or how far you are .......
BUT if you are the BMF - bad mouth fly, don't come to me, off off 
P.S. almost gone crazy during the march break & easter holidays, kids got no school and drove me crazy, SIGH, it's over finally, had 2 lessons today, felt sooo good, dance is the best medicine to me.
love ya 
hi pals, keeping quiet for awhile, being a good girl to study the dances i learnt, went to 2 parties, glad that i got to dance; taught J Ho, breakin' dishes, let it go, unchain my heart, chiki chiki; and my students love them; things are going smoothly .....
i choreographed 2 dances when i went for the trip in mexico (yes, made in mexico), one was circus, the other one uploaded in youtube on April 1 (happy april fool) but private shared, showed to a few line dancers overseas, my students danced in the class already, oh well, don't know, may or may not post out coz. its a song under WMG; that's why i have to do something in editing ..... when i have time .....
just found another beautiful song, WOW, so beautiful, love it love it, stay tuned .....
hi there, thanks for visiting again, would like to update a bit of my flat life ...LOLquoted the 'bad mouth fly - BMF' : 'i'm inadequate in the advanced class'. i went to my instructor's party last nite, glad to find that i'm still adequate in those 'advanced' dances; felt so good for dancing so much especially one of my favorites – pump it, just love it very much .....
the BMF, dressed to kill as usual, shinny sequined tee & leon colored skin tights - SIGH, no comment ...... too bad we don't see my instructor's videos in youtube for now; that's alright, i still have some in my library, will post them to let you see the BMF dances like a piece of white toilet paper stick to the instructor's butt all the times - hey, don't say i'm mean, that's how she dances ..... whenever the camera is on to the instructor, she automatically moves from anywhere to behind her, so much like a piece of toilet paper .....OK, back to normal, i've stopped this link in my youtube channel coz. i'm talking too much about the BMF, not professional enough to be open to public; this blog is like my diary, wish to share with someone who concerns about my happiness OR someone who concerns about me enough to wish me dead ..... realize the BMF does not only treat me badly but most of the people including her own students, WHAT ?? i'm not the only one ? noop, i'm not that special, not the only one; last nite she stuck out her pointed tongue again, heehee, not to me this time but she showed her dirty look to me whenever i sat down for those dances i didn't remember.oh well, will stop here, don’t forget to check back again for more on the BMF's topic ….. LOL