hi pals, keeping quiet for awhile, being a good girl to study the dances i learnt, went to 2 parties, glad that i got to dance; taught J Ho, breakin' dishes, let it go, unchain my heart, chiki chiki; and my students love them; things are going smoothly .....
i choreographed 2 dances when i went for the trip in mexico (yes, made in mexico), one was circus, the other one uploaded in youtube on April 1 (happy april fool) but private shared, showed to a few line dancers overseas, my students danced in the class already, oh well, don't know, may or may not post out coz. its a song under WMG; that's why i have to do something in editing ..... when i have time .....
just found another beautiful song, WOW, so beautiful, love it love it, stay tuned .....