today (monday) - my precious sister
in the last 2 weeks, a few people told me that he/she's reading my blog; heehee, i got readers, yes, you are one of them, can't believe some of my friends are following my blog, very happy, coz. you share my feelings; one of my students said he senses my happiness, yes, i am. i was a bit upset 2 months ago because of the BMF, if you read my post of march 14 & 18 then you know, then it was gone, now i'm happy again
things are going smoothly, i think i'm in the right track, just need to be patient and keep working hard and believe the outcome will be fruitful !!!
thanks again to YOU - my personal friends, or students, or line dance friends; without your support, i would have given up long ago. i love you all