i have received a good present for this festival, had received an email from an oversea's line dancer/instructor, who complimented my dance style & technique; very happy, who doesn't like to be praised but the point is i have been struggle & strike back for over a year, like the holy war, fighting on my own, thanks to my family & students' support, i still survive till now.
things happen on & on, never stop, good and bad, but, wait a minutes, isn't that life : ups & downs, like comfy walk on beach sand and bare feet walk on stones, those make life fascinating .... i still have hard feeling and hard times from someone but with the kind words from my students, how they learnt from others before and didn't like line dancing until now they like my way of teaching with technique and details, that's worth to suffer from those 'unnecessary friends & enemies'.
i will run another trial lesson in a short while and have one more class on saturdays, same like last trial, depends on the majority and start the lessons. to me, i run from beginners to advance classes, any level fits me perfectly as long as i get to dance with my students; i'm now focusing to teach them with my heart, looking forward one day they dare to dance with me with no fear no hesitations ..........
my dear students, i will wait, even if it takes forever, i will wait ..... (quiz : lyric of a song, tell me if you know =D)
millions thanks to my very very good friends, audrey & mike
and my students, i love you all