Friday, September 25, 2009


hi there, my new dance is released. be honest, i didn't spend much time in this one, my girl listens to this song for awhile and i think, humm, not bad though, then i checked and wondered, how come no one make a dance for it so i did. it has been uploaded in youtube : Big Girl Now

thanks to my two students during the first part of the video. there were 10 minutes left on monday class after i taught 'to the back', i thought why not to teach my new dance so i taught, what you see in the video was just the practice once they learnt the dance, not even learnt the restart & tag yet; there were a few students hiding from the camera because of camera shy OR didn't want to show their faces. A round of applause for my brave dance partners. Thank you.

i'm happy for the outcome of the trial lesson on 9/22 (Tuesday), that was a great nite with over 50 attendees, the room was packed. i taught 2 dances, ah si & j ho ab, also demonstrated 'man chang fei' with my students. I have uploaded the demonstration with my students in youtube : open house
thanks to my students, the guests & the new signed up students, look foward to meeting you in the classes

Back It Up by Caro Emerald - there are 2 dances for the music at the same time and i think both are nice, so i took the videos of both dances, my instructor taught the one - To The Back, i did the dance part only and both dance & walk through to Back It Up, let me know which one you like better =)

will be busy whole day tomorrow for tony nephew's wedding, aiya, please don't make me go anywhere, just want to 'line dance', yeah, i know, i'm bit crazy and not interested in anything else ;P

please take a moment to check out my videos, thanks for watching and HAPPY DANCING \:D/

Thursday, September 24, 2009

lot of happenings

hello my friends/readers :

it's busy & happy as usual, i've done my new dance, will submit to yipee in a day or so, this time 2 of my students are in the video as well; SIGH, don't ever think that i like to solo dance, if you've seen me dance in the parties then you know i dance more relaxed & better in real, spirit of line dancing is dance in a group, still waiting for someones to dance with me

also did 2 dance demos, you'll see i wore the same outfit for 3 videos, the reason is i have limited time to use the studio so i shot 3 demos with dance & walk through, that was pretty tight to film 3 in 2 hours; but the bigger task is 'editing'. i have to download the videos from camera to computer, screen each clip & mark down which part i want in @clip; use window movie maker to edit, then save, then view again to make sure everything is OK, then upload to youtube

had the open house last nite, over 50+ attendees, about 10 of my students went to support me, thanks so much; also thanks to the guests and my new students who signed up my new class; i taught 2 dances and demonstrated 'man chang fei' with my students, had lots of fun.

too tired, will link the videos later. ciao. =)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

what am i doing ?

hi there, how are you ?

i've choreographed a dance - intermediate 48 count 4 wall 1 restart 1 tag ;P
also practiced 2 dances, ready to do dance & demo;
the studio is getting busy and i have no chance to tape my videos; i can only tape once or twice in a short time before or after my classes.
i can rent a session for private practice & film my videos but the point is i don't even have much time for myself, oh well

let's jump to another topic : i received good response for my first nite class which is starting next tuesday, due to the limited seats, some students pre-registered with me; i will provide a free trial lesson on the first nite (9/22) to teach 2 simple dances so the beginners get to know what is line dancing and how much fun they will get from there; i will also demonstrate a dance with a few of my students so the new comers know how well they can do in about a year of 'learn & practice'

i'm looking forward to meeting my new friends & students, that will be fun like a party, feel free to join me if you have time

will update after my open house, stay tuned .......

Monday, September 14, 2009

Dance Taught in Summer

The following are the dances i taught in summer :

Amy, Break Your Heart, Can't Get Involved, Coochie Bang Bang, Evacuate The Dancefloor, Fairytale, Heart & Soul, Inclination For Syncopation, Miami, My One Desire, Quick Fix, Stroke Lights, Take Your There, Thrill Chasin'.

Will update the beginner/intermediate levels later. :-P

Friday, September 11, 2009

New Dance Demos (Dance & Walk Through)

hi there, 2 new dance demos uploaded in youtube :

Quick Fix choreographed by William Sevone to : quick fix by V V Brown, an advanced beginner 4 Wall 48 count; a fun dance, having 1960's feel while you dance with the go-go-hands, hitches & shimmies, you should definitely to try it ....... i taught my classes, students had so much fun, we taped and shared in my share box, hopefully, we can tape fairytale & quick fix in this coming lesson so i can add them to my DVD collections.

Break Your Heart by Shaz Walton to : break your heart by Taio Cruz, an Intermediate/Advanced level 64 count 2 wall; a cool dance, i like both the dance & music. you better believe i spent less time in this one than quick fix ....... check it out when you have time, you'll like it =)

since i said no time to choreograph my dance in my last post, i did it the next day, steps & script are done but have to wait for taking draft & final videos in the studio (studio is getting busy and i can only tape once or twice in a week), stay tuned ...

will go to winnie's party tomorrow nite, if you go, i'll meet you there ^_^

you have a wonderful weekend !!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Mamamia, i've been busy these days, making dance demos; editing the videos; and long weekend.

phew ...... kids finally go back to school today, yay, ......

will update my blog as soon as i finished my last dance demo;
if you are on my dance demo mailing list
if i keep sending you emails for youtube videos
if you watch my videos
thanks for your support & view hits .....

want to do a dance as well, huuummm, no time, no time

quote of the day :
'you watch me dance, that's fine;
you don't watch me dance, still fine
i do my own dance'
by who ?? heehee, by me .......

will be back soon ..............

Friday, September 4, 2009

Level I & I+ line dance NITE CLASS

My dear dance students/friends :

Glad to inform you that my Level I & I+ line dance lesson is confirmed to be held every Tuesday night starting from September 22 at Rouge Woods Communication Centre. Click this Flyer to download a copy for your reference.

The first lesson (September 22, 8:00-9:30 p.m.) will be free for trial. You are welcome to bring along your friends to have line dance fun with us.

Please pass this message on to your friends and relatives if they are interested in line dancing. Feel free to contact me at 416 399 3997 for any concerns.

Thanks again for your support. HAPPY DANCING \:D/