stefi practiced the dance performance for the school art nite last wednesday; after the show, she started to practice on thursday & friday evenings for her martial art - chinese kung fu grading, she got sore throat
on saturday, kids have to skip both chinese and abacus; we went up to magna centre in newmarket for the grading from 11:30 a.m. until 3:30, it was freezing cold there, and she couldn't put on her jacket coz. she needed to do the forms in kung fu uniform; she passed and got her 2nd belt
we went home around 4:00 and i was too tired, took a nap, basically i didn't get much time to practice the dances for the line dance party at nite; i went to the party, danced so much and had fun even i didn't remember all the steps and of course the BMF-bad mouth fly showed her damn face to me; i keep telling myself 'ignore her, ignore her'
;P still trying, sometimes can, sometimes can't
went home before 12:00 a.m. and prepared the material for sunday morning class; mom told me stefi got a fever, fed her fever relief
she's still sick today, fever with sore throat BUT SHE HAS a long jump tomorrow for area competition, i told her not to go but she wants to, oh well, will see tomorrow morning, hope she's OK, last year she entered into york region competitions
pals, thanks for reading my blog
i have a thinking today, don't know why i want to be a line dance instructor, i would be a lot happier if i just dance, no competition, no enemy (hey, don't get me wrong, i don’t compete to others, no one is apple to apple, how to compete ???) but some others don't understand and don't believe my theory
SIGH, i taught my girl when she was 3 - just do your best, compete to yourself, do things better than better, that's the only thing under your control