Busy schedule this week
Monday - 2 classes
Tuesday - 2 classes
Wednesday - 1 class, Jon Jon’s ‘art nite’ event at school & Stefi also performed in stage (will upload her performance in youtube, no time to process yet – I’m so proud of her, heehee, she’s a replica of me)
Thursday - skip one class, review over 70 dances for Saturday nite party, kids' martial art lesson in the evening
Friday - facial in the morning, 1 class in the afternoon, stay with Stefi for practicing her martial art grading in Scarborough
Saturday - have to skip the kids’ Chinese & Abacus lessons, drive Stefi to Newmarket for her official grading test, will go to line dance party at nite
Sunday - 1 class in the morning
That’s my tight schedule for the whole week, no spare time at all. So, if you don’t receive email or hear from you, you know why …….