Monday, May 25, 2009

MY NEW DANCE - Give Me 1 Reason

hi there, i uploaded my new dance, 'Give Me 1 Reason’ in youtube, to the song by Tracy Chapman, an advanced beginner line dance – 4 wall 48 count; a soultry bluesy song, easy steps, just flow your body naturally through the beats, show your proud and body movements in a 'funky' way. hope you enjoy it !!

i finished the steps while i was in Mexico in the end of February, the same time of circus; then i posted '
Circus' in March, this one was expected to be posted in april; i uploaded it for private share on 'April Fool', not to public share because the song is under WMG, had no idea if that’s appropriate to play the whole song in youtube

in yesterday's class, i mentioned the dance and my students didn't mind to tape the dance so we did. thanks to the students in the dance, also a few new students waited for us in the class and my new camera man/student took the video for us. A BIG THANK YOU =D>

you are invited to watch my video, just click the high lighted title and you'll be directed to the clip. thanks for watching.