can't believe she's still the same no matter how old she is and how much she grows older
i didn't care of her for long time
very busy since last friday until this moment,
my body is aching but can't stop my anger to write her before i go to bed
what i did last saturday :
sent kids to chinese school; picked up my mom; went to shopping mall to exchange a tank top; did grocery shopping; bought lunch; went home prepared the soup; picked up kids; had lunch at home; drove kids to abacus; had a line dancing open house in unionville high school;
then my kids off from abacus, i went to winnie's afternoon party with TWO kids, what i thought was i like my instructor, just want to show up to show my respect, once i arrived, they danced the 'roll with the wind', i haven't even sat still so i didn't dance, then she yielded out with her damn voice
(so easy and you don't know the dance).
let me tell you
i dance when i want to, i don't dance when i don't want to
i'm not you, you have no choice, you have to do whenever your 'boss' tell you to do so, oh, almost forget, you still DO even when your boss tell you not to
BMF, you'll be forever like this, keep this way to think you are the best, wish you be happy all the times with your outstanding outfits until ....