Saturday, September 25, 2010


moon cake - i didn't like it when i was young, thought that was soooo old fashion; then we migrated here and mom started to buy from 'Kim Moon', an old style chinese bakery in china town, then i think 'huumm, not too bad'.

could be i'm getting old, could be a matter of feeling, that became an event for me to drive mom downtown every year to buy several boxes of fresh order made '4 eggs in 1 moon cake'. YES, i eat 4 eggs, so 2 boxes of 4 cakes @ with 4 eggs; i eat over 32 eggs in september. cholesterol, could be a problem, i'll do more dancing to burn it .....

i had 2 classes today, reviewed 1 dance & taught 2 dances in the morning itnermediate class, good that students like them, i'm happy when they like my good picks


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

WHAT AM I DOING ? huum i don't know

busy as usual, on what ? don't know, busy for nothing
on going classes, prepare for the new classes, update the flyers
video taking, take lots of videos, some i didn't even have time to watch them and edit and upload ...

tonite will be the last lesson of June session, next week review party
new session in RWCC starts in october
unionville high school also starts this saturday
talk to some students to switch them into right classes

these few days feel like dizzy (mentally), sometimes i ask myself why do i keep myself so busy ? what if i don't line dance, then i'll have more than 80% time spare and sit down and eat and do nothing
OH NO, not a good practice, i better go back to my dance practice,
i know this disappoint my haters ... =))

thanks for your reading, my friends or my enemies =O

Friday, September 3, 2010


my brother & his wife visited us 3 weeks, they left last week.
we ate so much while they were here, i've gained 5-6 pounds,
SIGH, i deserved it, hahaha, it's alright, the 3 weeks' gain will take me 3 weeks to get rid of ..... working hard

dancing hard too, take lots of videos, guess i've gone crazy, lots of fun to make videos

new classes - the outcome of saturday intermediate was good, look forward to have more dancers to dance intermediate level dances with me

unionvile high school line dance class - students are very supportive, most of them will continue the class, thank you dear

since i took video this morning, have been editing for so many hours, eyes hurt, no dancing tomorrow, fridy tony's day off, will have facial, hair color, beauty day .....

have a great weekend HAPPY DANCING \:D/