Friday, June 4, 2010

con'd Flashdance =)

further to my previous post

Trouble Is - my new dance demo, i got 3 versions of the script before i took the video
Flashdance - i found 3 versions from different dance sites

in case you don't know there is a part of intro to do the steps & handmovement
in case you don't know there are different scripts in the dance websites
in case you didn't read the description of my dance demo
in case you just started to source dances on your own without your instructor's assistance

lesson #2
the world changed, the trend changed, there could be several versions of one dance; some choreographers like to revise their script on & on & on, it is hard for the dancers to find out which one is final. the outcome ?
you can wait for a year then the script can be steel firmed, no one care if you do it right or wrong =D
or dance it fast like me, give a chance to your againsters/haters to attack you

i slept around 4:00 a.m. this morning for 3 hours, now have to go back to sleep