my new dance demo - The Last Nite, the first time when i taped it, something wrong with the restart due to miscommunications with the choreographer; so i had to retake the next day, i wore the latin shoes for 2 days and kept dancing, you can see i was wearing heels in the walk through part, there was a final version with waltz technique but my face shows the pain; then i got changed and thought, ok, buddy, i'm naughty this time then i danced with my sneakers, and that was my only 1 shot 1 version - 'waltz in sneakers'.
you can even see my 'witchy' smile in my eyes when i looked at the camera and i danced free & relaxed BUT without the ballroom feel. be honest, that wasn't bad in 'line dancing', most line dancers dance like that, but in a waltz, that was bad. also, at the same time i taught my class the waltz technique and that reflects in their excellent demo 'the first waltz', i am shame of myself =(
oh well, i am just a naught girl ^_^ and HAPPY DANCING \:D/
i've been learning 'ballroom' basic technique for a while, i picked up the technique & steps well, BUT once i dance with partner, i get nervous & stupid, guess i was born to be a 'line dancer' and dance solo =O
ok, stay tuned, will update my new demos in next post
have a wonderful weekend =D