My dear students, I’m terribly sorry to tell you that I have accidentally deleted some videos in my share box;
please email me if you need any one of the videos, I will reupload for you.
My new dance 'CIRCUS' is uploaded in YouTube;
please watch it when you have a chance,
your viewing will be very much appreciated.
If you know how I practice the dances I learn and choreograph my dances, you should appreciate of what I’m doing.
All my teaching classes are in morning time &learning classes in day time.
I have 2 kids, aged 9 & 10, tony spends most of his time in his office, and I’m mostly the only one to take care of my kids. My work starts once I pick up the kids from school after 3:30 p.m., they have after school programes/activities and 3 programes on Saturdays. I can only steal the waiting time at their activities to study the dances I learn and do my choreography, you can imagine how much time I have (oooppps, I spend a lot of time in computer as well).
From choreographing and teaching and sitting in front of the computer, I really have not much time in practicing so I was a bit dumb in the recent ‘advance’ level dances. Then the 'bad mouth fly’ says I’m inadequate in the advance class, I had to watch her and pick up the steps while she was leading at the parties.
PLEASE BE REMINDED you lead in the parties because you are one of the instructors in the group, THAT’S YOUR DUTY, I pick up the steps from any one of the instructors and dance means I’m smart without practicing at home.
i didn't go to the 3/8 party, i'm too tired to seeing her.
200% SURE I LOVE DANCING but I have no time.
I may have to give up a bit in line dancing –
teach ? learn ? choreography ? BUT I LOVE THEM ALL,
it's alright, will take a pause, good that this week is March Break, kids stay home, no school, no activities, no driving,i'll be a good girl, stay home and take a good rest
SIGH just give me a break ….... i'll be cool .....
MAMAMIA, very sick - had migraine once i returned to toronto, it lasted for 2 days; then i caught a cold, running red nose, sore throat gets worse; couldn't do anything today, not even take the kids to 'kung fu'. tony is sick too, same symptoms, might be contagious; may be we should consider migrating to mexico, be a mexican ...... loli have to get well tomorrow, no matter what, will tape the dance to see the out come. stay tuned.
Hi dear, I’m back from an 8 days vacation in Cancun Mexico.These few years, we had been to Dominican Republic twice, 1 time in Aruba and 6 or 7 times in Mexico - Riviera Maya, Playa del Carmen, Cancun; wherever, same same, sun sun sun & pool pool pool; a bit of shopping, that's all. I tried to avoid sunshine all the times because of eczema; this time, I wanted to tan a bit so I did,guess this time is the most tan I got so far.
No computer for almost the whole week; I was cheap, not sure if you would be cheap like me, US $15 for 1 hour and US$39 for 24 hours in one day; hey man, US$39 would be enough for a month internet charges in Canada, you think I’m dump; so I didn't buy the computer card from the hotel. tony used his blackberry and checked his emails via his office server, I tried his but didn’t work on my email accounts.I choreographed 2 dances in the trip; no luck, once I came back and checked in the computer, one song under WMG, restricted in youTube.
the other one have been doing since Christmas, got no time to put the steps together, I’ve mentioned several time in the blog, which is a bit complicated but fun, lastly, I finished all the steps & connections for the whole dance - ABC Tag, ABC Tag, ACC; then found out it has been done by another 'well known' choreographer.oh well, who cares, I dance my own dance.Will tape a bit later when I have time to practice the steps.Very busy today, got a car wash, grocery shopping, did all the laundries; time flies, whole day gone. Will be busy for classes tomorrow, hopefully, back to normal on Wednesday.Thanks for reading my blog. Stay tuned.