i'm sick
SICK - i caught cold for a few days, taking Advil, Chinese medicine, tried everything to cure the cold. had been struggled the whole afternoon whether i should go to my instructor, Winnie's line dance party tonite; haha, sure you know the answer without looking the rest, yes, i went, SIGH, too big temptation, couldn't resist it; even i had no time to review the dances on the list but i went, good to see dance friends, left early BUT i danced. sweet so sweetSICK - of the 'sie jai', she bad mouth on me again, even though that's expected; SIGH, big mouth sie jai, you are so hatred. i'm not lucky like you, i got FAMILY to take care of, i got husband and 2 kids, not like you; wish i was the stepmother of snow white, know how to make the poison apple, will send her one with 'Express Courier'.well well, time to dream at bed, will teach tomorrow morning.