Friday, September 3, 2010


my brother & his wife visited us 3 weeks, they left last week.
we ate so much while they were here, i've gained 5-6 pounds,
SIGH, i deserved it, hahaha, it's alright, the 3 weeks' gain will take me 3 weeks to get rid of ..... working hard

dancing hard too, take lots of videos, guess i've gone crazy, lots of fun to make videos

new classes - the outcome of saturday intermediate was good, look forward to have more dancers to dance intermediate level dances with me

unionvile high school line dance class - students are very supportive, most of them will continue the class, thank you dear

since i took video this morning, have been editing for so many hours, eyes hurt, no dancing tomorrow, fridy tony's day off, will have facial, hair color, beauty day .....

have a great weekend HAPPY DANCING \:D/