Wednesday, February 24, 2010


just came back from vacation last nite, slept for only a few hours then went to class this afternoon, bit tired ... didn't expect to write so soon

if you know what's going on, then you understand
if you don't know what's going on, then i better not to tell you
i saw BMF in the class today, she's so proud of being 'well known' and said it's good to have several emails talk about her everyday, well known like 'Edison Chen', a bad reputation star in hong kong

SO, guys, you are wasting your time, she's hopeless ......


hello my friend, i'm back from mexico, just got off from plane tonite
had some tan, ate alot, and lots of mosquitos' bites =(
took lots of pictures, will update in a short while.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

BABY ON FIRE - Happy Valentine's Day

hi there, it’s about time to update again

i'm not lazy but busy instead. i feel like i'm killing myself (ha, someone must be happy), lots of work, loads of work, keep going & going, every time i tell myself ok, finish this one then you'll have a good rest then something (mostly new dance) comes up, then i have to work on it, first read the script, practice a bit, take the walk through (for the first few videos i danced then took the walk through, then i was panting and viewers thought i was chicken, hahahaha, the fact was i couldn't breath to talking continually without pause) now i know how to breath between.

it doesn’t take too much time if I have enough warm up, the most painful part is editing, I spend hours to edit; huuum, I should consider to buy a new edit program

the new dance BABY ON FIRE, was really a last minute thought to choreograph my own creation =)
yesterday, i looked around for good songs to dance warm up with my nite class students, i was checking the bmp of 'pop, lock, & drop' then i thought why don't i just choreograph a new beginner dance as valentine gift for my students, so i made up the dance, wrote down the steps in the scratch paper; then i sent email at 11:30 a.m. to tell my students i have a new dance and told them to wear red outfits if they want to add a little touch of the dance. that's how the dance came up. i taught them the steps, danced once, i taught them what are tag & restart, then we took the video, i should have dance one more time before we took the video but the outcome was great anyways

last nite, i edited the tapes that i took from the nite class until 4:00 in the morning; then i couldn't hold myself and fell asleep on the computer table, i went sleep until 7:30 a.m. got up to continue my computer work & uploaded in youtube, took care the kids to school ......

hey you, who's reading this post, i have a few more videos to be posted in youtube these 2 weeks, stay tuned