Friday, August 6, 2010


2 years ago, when my instructor wanted to train me as one of her assistants, i got all the bad treated from a few members of her group; then i started my own line dance class out of her group, then the 'few members' cursing me betrayed my instructor bla bla bla .....

nowaday, world changed, to what ? SIGH, still the 'few members' think i'm so good & lucky to have my own classes, i do & teach on my own will, get to choose dance to teach; WHAT, heehee, yes ........

BMF left the group, i knew it 2 weeks ago, waited and waited for the confirmation, and BFW is leaving for good ....

I WISH THEM ALL THE _____ ....... filling the blank, you figure out =P

SO, i don't and can't care of them too much, i'm in some projects and thanks to my students & assistants support me, i'll keep going ..... holding on to my line dance dream

love you all except the 'few members' ...... =D