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Featuring: Regina Cheung - Renowned Line Dance Video Producer & Choreographer of 'Summer Night Tango'
2011-07-23 10:09
Regina Cheung is a renowned line dance video producer from Toronto, Canada, producing many beautiful and gracious dance routines on You Tube. However, not many know that she is also a prolific dancer, instructress, and choreographer.‘Summer Night Tango’ is her hit success this March. She also contributes in the local art scene, serving as project coordinator in town dance events. She first performed for her school at the age of 7 at the City Hall in Hong Kong, and she has learnt various dance genre including jazz, hip hop, ballroom, and line dance. When she migrated to Canada, she picks up hip hop & ballroom from two well-known instructors in Toronto who inspire her into pursuing line dancing in 2006. Line dance provides an outlet for her to express her feelings and emotions. An emotional being, she cried whilst listening to Wynnona Judd’s I Want To Know What Love Is, and not surprisingly, she also produced the dance video, Show Me The Love, recently.
In 2008, she started line dance instruction with a small class in a beauty spa and the number of classes and students has grown steadily ever since. That year (2008), she also started videotaping her class practice from scratch, and by mid-2009, she produces dance videos for her students on YouTube. In the short period of two and a half years, her dance videos have been viewed over 1 million times and she has over 500 subscribers in her YouTube channel.
She is a perseverance lady, who is motivated by the numerous positive feedback and comments both locally and abroad to produce the best video production and to become one of the leading renowned video producers in the line dancing world with her precise, vivid and clear instruction, despite setbacks last year when her You Tube accounts was terminated for alleged violation of ‘exclusive choreography copyright’ – ridiculous claim of exclusiveness which contradicts the spirit of linedancing where most if not all choreographers want their dance to be shared. Soon, she picked up the pieces and is back in business, motivating many including her students with the dance videos. We salute her strength!
Some of the best videos produced so far include ‘Paloma 2009’. “Cricket on a Line’ and her favorites include Scott Blevins’s ‘No Salvations’ and ‘Trouble Is’. Her videos is also popular and well-received in the UK - reaching 11,810, 13,284 and 10,549 hits for ‘For the Lovers’, ‘You’re amazing’ and ‘Party Freak’ respectively.
In March this year, she choreographed ‘Summer Night Tango’, which became a hit and is well received in many parts of the world including the US, UK, Australia, Malaysia, Korea & China. Her email was inundated with requests from Line dance instructors, asking for the music and step sheet. Summer Night Tango is still well received in many parts of the world including the local scene here. ‘Eden’ and ‘Beggin You (Funky Cha)’ are among some of her favorite choreography.
She participates in local community and social events in Toronto, Canada where she lives. Among many contributions, she serves as project coordinator in several town dance projects such as A Dance To Raise The Curtain program in Richmond Hill. She also performs and leads line dance event in an Art Centre for the past two consecutive years.
Regina has selflessly contributed her dance video to the line dancing world, and we believe she will continue to do so for the benefits of all line dancers. She may not have long history but her love and interests in line dancing and the contributions so far will spur her on to greater heights. Thank you, Regina!